COVID-19 Resources
This page sign posts to information and support for the public on Covid-19, information about the virus and the symptoms:
Specific questions raised:
- Does having congenital heart disease mean I am at high risk from coronavirus?
- I have congenital heart disease - what should I do to reduce my risk from coronavirus?
- Is there anything I need to know if I do get coronavirus?
- Are children with congenital heart disease at risk from coronavirus?
- Should children with congenital heart disease get the Covid-19 vaccine?
- Will people with congenital heart conditions still get treated?
- What if I'm pregnant and have congenital heart disease?
- I'm finding this an anxious or difficult time - what can I do?
- Where can I get more information?
COVID-19 vaccination for children and young people - updated statement from the British Congenital Cardiac Association (released 13 December 2021)
Association for Inherited Cardiac Conditions (AICC) recommendation for vaccination for children with inherited cardiac conditions (September 2021)
BCCA advice for patients COVID-19 vaccination in 12-15 year olds with CHD (September 2021)
RCPCH statement in response to CMOs advice regarding offering COVID-19 vaccination to all 12-15 year olds (September 2021)
COVID-19 vaccination: resources for children and young people (Public Health England).
NHS links:
UK Government links:
UK Government Covid-19 vaccine information
Welsh Government and Public Health Wales links:
Public Health Wales Covid-19 vaccine information & Welsh Government statement
Other guidance
Heart Rhythm Alliance: Covid-19 and Inherited Heart Rhythm Conditions
BHF: Covid-19 vaccine - your questions answered (December 2020)
BHF guidance on making the most of your medical phone and video appointments
Royal College of Surgeons - Information for surgical patients during the coronavirus pandemic
South Wales and the South West Network COVID-19 Pregnancy Guidelines (30/03/20)
Wellbeing Support: Emotional and Physical Health Support Resources
It is important to look after our mental health and wellbeing, particularly during this challenging and exceptional time. Here are some links to wellbeing resources and other support that might be helpful.
Mind Charity: Coronavirus and your well-being
Physical Activity when in Self-isolation (PDF) - including links to various exercise videos
Strategies for coping with Covid-19 produced by the Bristol Psychological Health Services team
In Bristol our Psychological Health Services team have been working with adults, families and young people to put together some booklets to help with top tips and ways to cope with any thoughts, questions or worries that young people and adults may have about the impact of COVID -19. The booklets cover questions around coping with worries around COVID, knowing someone with COVID or in coming into hospital. Here is a link to our booklets for adults, parents and young people.
- Adult Inpatients
- Adult Outpatients
- Paediatric Inpatients
- Strategies for Parents to support themselves and their children
- Strategies for Young People
- Managing Uncertainty in Children and Young People - advice for parents during Covid-19
Financial Support Resources
Resources for Children
BBC Newsround website includes specific advice if children are feeling upset by the news.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) have provided advice for parents and carers to support with children feeling stressed by the coronavirus situation (PDF).
Personal Protective Equipment poster - preparing children if they need to come into hospital (PDF)
Supporting children returning to school
Return to school guidance
Government guidance for England:
Updated shielding guidance can be found at:
The government has provided detailed information on return to school which can be found at:
Government guidance for Wales:
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has provided guidance on return to school.
Children with single ventricle circulation would fit into group B of this guidance, which was cross-checked with the published BCCA guidance. This guidance indicates that an individualised assessment is required for children in the single ventricle group.
The Children's Commissioner going back to school guide:
Resources and Updates from Royal Colleges and Other Professional Bodies:
Association of Inherited Cardiac Conditions
British Congenital Cardiac Association
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health
The Somerville Foundation - for adults