Some of the most cutting-edge research in Congenital Heart Disease is taking place in the South Wales and South West region.

Key to the success of any research programme is the participation of patients in studies. Research teams within the Network aim to engage all eligible patients in studies so they can continue to drive progress in the field. 

Our research teams recruit to studies that are local, national and international in their nature, and charity and commercially funded studies as well as those funded by the government. 

To view the Network draft Research Strategy please click here

Our research teams aim to ensure their work is:

  • Patient and family focused
  • A positive experience for patients and families
  • Inclusive
  • At the forefront of new treatments and technologies
  • At the centre of clinical care
  • Fully collaborative and multidisciplinary
  • Utilises all available funding streams 

Research in the NHS England Standards for CHD Care 

The NHS England standards for CHD require all specialist centres to participate in research. For further information on the requirements in the standards please see Section G of the document in the relevant part of the NHS England document (Level 1,2 or 3; adult or paediatric). 


If you have any comments on this section of the website or would like to suggest further information to include, please contact:

In this section you will find a range of useful links relating to research activity across the Network.

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In this section you will find details of the many research publications undertaken by teams at the Level 1 Centre in Bristol. 

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Click here to find out more about the CHD Network South Wales and South West

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